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Home»Application»Animal Application
Animal Application
Animal Application RFID Commercial Tablet for Farming and Agriculture
2015-7-2 17:06:56 / Posted By - / Source From - RFIDtagworld XMINNOV Manufacturer
Animal Application RFID Commercial Tablet for Farming and Agriculture
  • Effective to keep tracking of livestock, such as sheeps and pigs.

  • Be helpful for information management of animal husbandry, and can effectively track and trace the breeding;

  • With RFID technology developed animal identification and traceability system, mainly for animal breeding, transportation, slaughter track monitoring.

  • Protect your cattles in case of loss,enable rfid powered animal application

  • Thousands Of Farms Across USA RFID Enrolled System

KeyPoint - Refer to Animal Application RFID Commercial Tablet for Farming and Agriculture
  • RFID耳标是为李而设计的vestock management which is effective to keep tracking of livestock, such as sheep,cattles and pigs. It helps ranchers to manage these animal easily and time-saving

  • Be helpful for information management of animal husbandry, and can effectively track and trace the breeding;

  • With RFID technology developed animal identification and traceability system, mainly for animal breeding, transportation, slaughter track monitoring. When the outbreak, can be back to animal breeding process. The health sector can through the system for possible infection disease with trace of animals, to determine its ownership and historical traces. At the same time, system to animals slaughtered from birth to provide instant, detailed and reliable data.

  • Protect your cattles in case of loss,enable rfid powered animal application

  • Thousands Of Farms Across USA RFID Enrolled System

  • UHF RFID Solution for Livestock cattles Management

Recommendation & Proposal
  • Animal tracking like Pedigree breeding, diseases prevention, meat inspection.

  • Livestock animal identification

  • Sheep, pigs and dogs tracking

  • Intelligent cow management

RFID 915MHz Livestock RFID Ear Tag Animal Tag

RFID Animal Ear Tags For Livestock Tracking Identifying Management Animal Tag

RFID animal Ear Tag for Animal Tracking Management Animal Tag
