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Home»Application»Asset Management
Asset Management
RFID Chemical Asset Tracking - Fire Extinguisher NFC Annually Inspection
2017-5-1 23:11:16 / Posted By - / Source From - RFIDtagworld XMINNOV Manufacturer
RFID Chemical Asset Tracking - Fire Extinguisher NFC Annually Inspection
KeyPoint Instruction
  • RFID Collect Store Analyze & Interconnect Data From Multiple Sources of Chemical

  • Record travelling history via real time inventory and unique chemical RFID ID

  • NFC offers the ultimate interactions in security and convenience to chemical

  • Automative Chemical production arrangement with danger's full time control

  • RFID based chipset & chemical sensor trend to detect biological warfare agents(BWA)

  • MFC/NFC has an attractive application of providing a more beneficial and fast

  • Additional chemical with NFC tag cross-linking step prevented desorption

Implementation & Value Point
  • RFID Collect Store Analyze & Interconnect Data From Multiple Sources of Chemical

  • Booster tracking and monitor efficiency online management

  • Record travelling history via real time inventory and unique chemical RFID ID

  • NFC offers the ultimate interactions in security and convenience to chemical

  • Automative Chemical production arrangement with danger's full time control

  • RFID based chipset & chemical sensor trend to detect biological warfare agents(BWA)

  • MFC/NFC has an attractive application of providing a more beneficial and fast

  • Additional chemical with NFC tag cross-linking step prevented desorption

Recommended Products & Proposal
  • Other dangerous and safety items identification like drugs,medicine cosmetics,food,tobacco,wine,alcohol liquor and drinking. accessories and other spare parts or items as well as some embedded applications for security and trace-ability.

  • asset management for the dangerous chemical products
