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RFID Tracks Fuel Trailers to Prevent Theft in Chile

News posted on:- by-RFIDtagworld XMINNOVRFID Tag Manufacturer / NewsID:2127

RFID Tracks Fuel Trailers to Prevent Theft in Chile

RFID Tracks Fuel Trailers to Prevent Theft in Chile

RFID Tracks Fuel Trailers to Prevent Theft in Chile

Technology provider GPS Chile is offering its fleet-management solution to an oil company using Agorabee active RFID technology to link each trailer with a truck, identify the location of the truck and trailer, and gain visibility into when the vehicle leaves its expected route or stops.

Apr 18, 2018—Truck-fleet and asset-management technology company GPS Chile has deployed an RFID-enabled solution for a national oil company to manage the location and security of its loads, using RFID technology from Switzerland-based Internet of Things (IoT) technology firm Agorabee. Since being taken live last summer, the system has enabled the company to view where fuel tank trailers, loaded with its product, are located, based on an RFID link between each tagged trailer and a reading device, coupled with GPS, on the truck.


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Add: No.943, Tonglong Er Lu, Hongtang Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen( Xminnov IOT Industrial Park)
