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Shandong Rongcheng launches 24-hour RFID smart bookcase to provide contactless reading mode

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Shandong Rongcheng launches 24-hour RFID smart bookcase to provide contactless reading mode

Shandong Rongcheng launches 24-hour RFID smart bookcase to provide contactless reading mode

At present, the urban study room and various physical bookstores of Rongcheng City are temporarily closed due to the epidemic situation. For the citizens who like to read, without the company of books, their home life has become extremely boring. In order to meet the reading needs of citizens at home, Rongcheng City comprehensively upgraded the 24-hour "smart bookcase", introduced the "contactless" reading mode, and opened up the "last mile" for all people to read.

The "smart bookcase" is located at the entrance of the reading corner of the New Century City Study Room and Citizens Cultural Park. The middle of the bookcase is the operation area, which can provide readers with functions such as querying and borrowing books. When purchasing books, readers only need to make an appointment online, and the staff will put the books in the bookcase in time. At that time, readers can scan the code to purchase books through the intelligent bookcase console. The smart bookcase is also docked with the library system. When borrowing books, readers can use the borrowing card and ID card to implement the borrowing function, and they can freely arrange the time to retrieve the books. The launch of the "smart bookcase" satisfies the expansion of reading time and space for citizens, and opens a new path for the construction of "Book Fragrant Rongcheng".

According to Fan Jing, the manager of New Century Book City, the intelligent bookcase is interconnected with the library management software system. RFID technology is used to implement self-service book services. Readers can log in to borrow books by borrowing cards, ID cards, and credit loans. Easy to borrow and share ideas and good book extension service experience. In addition, in order to ensure the health and safety of the majority of readers, during the epidemic, the staff arranged daily special personnel to strictly disinfect the smart bookcases and the books in the cabinets, so that everyone could read the "reliable book" that reached the standard of sanitation.

Hu Shuiqing, a first-year university student, told reporters: "The books in the smart bookcase are complete, covering all ages, and can be used to complete the needs of our entire family in a one-stop, and the operation is very simple. Save time and energy. What surprised me is that it also has an 'online order' function that can meet our needs for studying at home. "
