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RFID electronic license plates are being carried out in an orderly manner in multiple regions

News posted on: 2021/6/3 16:26:37 - by Chenxi - RFIDtagworld XMINNOV RFID Tag Manufacturer

RFID electronic license plates are being carried out in an orderly manner in multiple regions

RFID electronic license plates are being carried out in an orderly manner in multiple regions

Recently, the Ministry of Public Security issued the "Road Traffic Safety Law (Revised Draft)", which clearly stipulates the installation of electronic signs. Article 12 is added after "motor vehicles approved for registration shall meet the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles." "And install electronic signs in accordance with regulations." This revision of electronic signs is based on the six aspects of creating a modern road traffic governance pattern, strengthening the supervision of vehicles and drivers at the source, improving convenient services, improving road traffic conditions and traffic regulations, improving traffic accident handling regulations, and scientifically configuring legal responsibilities. Get started.

According to industry insiders, the release of the "Road Traffic Safety Law (Revised Draft)" of the Ministry of Public Security may provide an important policy basis for the accelerated development of the electronic license plate industry in the future. At the same time, with the gradual expansion of the pilot range, the national promotion of electronic license plates can be expected. It is recommended to pay attention to equipment suppliers with first-mover advantages in the electronic license plate industry, smart transportation solution providers, and related objects in the industry chain involving radio frequency devices, operation and maintenance services and other businesses.

Event-driven electronic license plates have rapidly increased attention

On March 24, 2021, the Ministry of Public Security drafted the "Road Traffic Safety Law (Revised Draft)" and publicly solicited opinions from the public. The main purpose is to solicit new situations and problems in road traffic safety and management. The deadline for comments is April 23.

One of the changes in the revised draft has attracted market attention. Article 12 of the safety regulations stipulates that the original "motor vehicles approved for registration shall meet the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles" is revised to "the motor vehicles approved for registration shall meet the national safety technology for motor vehicles" Standards, and install electronic signs in accordance with regulations." One stone has caused a lot of waves, and the market's attention to electronic license plates has rapidly increased.

电子车牌的正式名称is Electronic Vehicle Identification (EVI), which is a kind of radio frequency identification (RFID) electronic tag, which can be regarded as the "electronic ID card" of the vehicle. It is generally installed on the front glass of the car and used for Vehicle identification. In the electronic license plate chip, information related to the vehicle will be stored, including the license plate number of the vehicle, the nature of use, vehicle type, insurance information, and so on. Vehicles equipped with "electronic signs" can automatically, non-contact, and non-stop complete vehicle identification and 24-hour monitoring. Even if the information is collected remotely at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, the accuracy of the identification can be guaranteed. 99.9%, and even if the vehicle number plate is concealed, defaced, or altered, it is difficult to escape the "legacy" of the electronic license plate recognition system, which has a recognition effect that traditional physical license plates cannot achieve.

RFID (RadioFrequencyIdentifica-tion) radio frequency identification is a non-contact automatic identification technology, which automatically recognizes the target object and obtains related data through specific radio frequency signals. The identification work does not require manual intervention, and can work in harsh environments, and Able to identify high-speed moving objects and multiple targets. At present, RFID technology has been widely used in many fields such as industrial automation and transportation control management. Compared with the license plate recognition technology based on image and video processing, the RFID-based vehicle recognition has high accuracy and good stability, and can accurately and systematically obtain the status of the bicycle and the traffic status of the road network.

产业动态电子车牌ing promoted in an orderly manner in multiple regions

In recent years, my country has actively promoted the development of smart cities and smart transportation, and paid more attention to the application and implementation of electronic license plate technology. In order to speed up the advancement of electronic license plate work and unify standards, the Institute of Traffic Management Science of the Ministry of Public Security took the lead, and the National Standards Committee, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the local environmental protection bureau, and the Transportation Commission participated in the formulation of national standards for electronic signs and conducted a series of demonstrations. And pilot work.

It has been five years since my countrys electronic license plate was launched in Wuxi in 2016. The release of the Road Traffic Safety Law (Revised Draft) may provide a policy basis and policy basis for the future deployment of electronic license plates in the country from point to surface. Implement guarantees.

In terms of specific pilot cities, since 2013, pilots have been launched in Shenzhen, Nanjing, Lanzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and other places, and Beijing and Shenzhen have also completed the pilots. Take Wuxi, where the Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security is located, as an example. In December 2014, the Ministry of Public Security officially identified Wuxi as the first pilot application city for automotive electronic signs in the country. At the beginning of 2016, Wuxi City took the lead in building road reading and writing base stations throughout the city, increasing the number of vehicles with electronic license plates installed on vehicles. The "automotive electronic fence" constructed with more than 170 sets of reading and writing base stations and nearly 25,000 electronic license plates has achieved the focus Vehicles and key parts are fully covered, and at the same time, the demonstration effect of electronic license plates in traffic data collection and analysis, key vehicle traffic supervision, illegal and criminal vehicle detection and control, public transportation signal priority, and smart car-related services and other application fields has been realized.

With the gradual rollout of the pilot and the improvement of supporting policies and regulations, automotive electronic signs will have a huge impact on road traffic management. The electronic license plate is bound to the vehicle, which can realize remote security machine reading and writing. Because the electronic license plate allows each vehicle to have a unique source ID, it is necessary for vehicle identification, congestion charging, bus priority, traffic collection, and electronic police, There will be broad applications in vehicle management and other aspects. In addition, in terms of service life, the electronic license plate requires that the data in the chip be kept for no less than 10 years, and the data can be erased and written to no less than 100,000 times, and the service life can almost accompany the entire life cycle of the car. It can be said that based on the use of the electronic license plate system, the entire passive intelligent traffic management system can be changed. While realizing active traffic management, it can also improve the efficiency and accuracy of traffic management.


+86-13606915775(John Lee)


Add: No.943, Tonglong Er Lu, Hongtang Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen( Xminnov IOT Industrial Park)
