新闻发布于:2019/11/29 2:17:40 - by Norah - RFIDtagworld XMINNOV RFbobapp网站ID标签制造商
一是着力提高飞行常态化水平,全面提升飞行保障水平。一是以运营管理委员会重组为契机,进一步调整优化管理体制和运行机制,形成“决策、协调、执行”三级结构。组建了一支由8个驻地单位和3个内部单位组成的坚实的保安队伍。建立综合管理新平台;二是以A-CDM建设为动力,全面开放机场、空管、航司核心运营系统数据,实现决策新技术高效共享;围绕软硬件双升级,优化了飞机除冰、飞机调配、飞行保障协同运行新机制。我们完成了西跑道、新滑行道及T2登机桥大修工程。升级HUD技术,实现低RVR 150米能见度。四是采取关键航班干预、航班延误紧急咨询、航班计划动态调整、飞行时间交换等有效措施。重点“关键飞行”取得了显著成效。该关键航班每天成功转换3-5个航班。 The average airport The normal rate of release is increased by 1.2-2% / month. Wuhan Airport s average normal rate of release in July and August this year ranked among the top 5 nationally coordinated airports, and in September it was ranked as the on-time runner-up of the large-scale airport in the Asia-Pacific region.
二是着力完善传递功能,全面升级传递系统。一是进一步完善空对空转运体系建设。全面升级过境硬件设施和系统功能,优化旅客服务流程,实现行李快速转运;加强与海关、边检、航空公司的沟通协调,积极推进“通航”申报,争取尽快实现国际转机“一次性值机”,直管行李,一票到底。”二是进一步完善空中轨道交通体系建设。争取铁路部门支持,加密轨道交通机场线路频率,延长运营时间至23:00;主导机场航班信息服务,为“空铁”信息互联互通打下坚实基础。三是进一步完善空置土地流转制度建设。建立“空地联动”应急响应机制,全面优化地面交通流线和停车场功能布局;推出智能交通管理系统,率先在同级机场应用打车“电子围栏”技术; complete "beautification, greening, and lighting "Darkening" and "blackening" four major upgrading projects, the airport road traffic environment has been upgraded and upgraded, and the airport traffic has won the CAPSE Excellent Progress Award.
三是着力提升乘客体验,全面升级技术应用。一是全面推进行李系统技术创新。应用行李系统RFID技术,完成了168套行李斜槽的改造。正确分拣率达到99.5%,行李破损率降低20% -30%。行李提取可视化功能已全面启用,行李跟踪和自助行李服务将于今年年底实施。二是全面推进自助服务技术创新。优化自助值机服务,启用自助值机证终端,升级72台自助值机设备,实现旅客“手持、洗脸、随时办理临时值机证”。三是全面推进智能飞行技术创新。国内首创手持终端技术,解决安全信息返还技术难题,实现真正的“无纸化”之旅;率先在海关监管区内启用智能行李抓取系统,全面提高通关效率; actively promote the piloting of two self-service security inspection channels and strive to start at the end of the year . Fourth, comprehensively promote technological innovation in network services. Wuhan Tianhe Airport builds the first 5G full coverage airport in Central China, becoming the first demonstration area for full coverage of 5G signals in the largest single building in China and 5G signal coverage in a variety of complex scenarios. Fifth, comprehensively promote the innovation of logistics informationization. Strengthen the overall planning of the aviation logistics park management platform, customer relationship management system, container management system, and coordinated logistics scheduling system, actively promote the use of electronic waybills, and the international express mail supervision center realizes the entire process of "electronic" operation. Wuhan Tianhe Airport's ACI passenger satisfaction score averaged 4.93 points in the first to third quarters, a new high since participating in the evaluation, and continued to maintain the world's leading level of airports at the same level.
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