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Dubai plans to implement RFID e-plate which can locate and deal the fines

News posted on:- by-RFIDtagworld XMINNOVRFID Tag Manufacturer / NewsID:2074

Dubai plans to implement RFID e-plate which can locate and deal the fines

Dubai plan to try the e-plate, which not only help Police location, track vehicle, also have function of auto withhold payment, help police finish the punish the traffic violation in time, such as illegal parking, excessive speed.

Dubai plan to try the e-plate, which not only help Police location, track vehicle, also have function of auto withhold payment, help police finish the punish the traffic violation in time, such as illegal parking, excessive speed.


Suche-platenamed “connect tag”, looks like a Intelligent screen. It can make driver contact each other, exchange the traffic information and so on. All the information will conclude to the Dubai Road and traffic Authority’s centre control system. Because of connecting to the driver’s bank account, it also can help the drive finish the parking charge, or illegal traffic fine, plate update and others.

vehicle tag

Dubai police mention that one of main function is the location offer for police handle the break out traffic accident.

In response to fears that electronic license plates could cause privacy leaks, the Gulf Times, quoted by the as avehicle managementofficer at the Dubai road traffic administration, said E-PLATE would only "make a driver's life easier". "The car is safe and you don't have to go to the service center of the road traffic authority every year." Update license plate information, and related vehicle registration will be completed automatically after annual inspection vehicle.

The E-PLATE trial implementation to November 2018. If the effect result good, E-PLATE will be on “guard” next year.
