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Will RFID replace barcode technology?

News posted on:- by-RFIDtagworld XMINNOVRFID Tag Manufacturer / NewsID:2103

Will RFID replace barcode technology?

Question : Will RFID replace barcode technology?

Answer of will RFID replace barcode technology :

You may think that RFID will eventually phase out barcodes because a typical RFID tag can hold 2KB of data, far more than a typical barcode, which represents just 10-12 digits. RFID tags can also be programmed and reprogrammed, making them a dynamic part of a data collection solution where barcodes are printed once and then reprinted each time information changes.

All of that being said, barcodes will not be replaced by RFID technology. In some cases, barcodes will be used as a back-up system, and in most cases they will remain the main form of data collection. Implementing a RFID system will never be cheaper than implementing a barcode system. There is the cost of the technology and the fact that a barcode label will always be cheaper to produce than an RFID label.
