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Operation of ETC lane of wagons on Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo Expressway

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Operation of ETC lane of wagons on Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo Expressway

Operation of ETC lane of wagons on Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo Expressway

The wagons can use ETC on the freeway.

Starting from 0:00 on June 27th, the ETC trial operation of the Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo Expressway was formally launched. During the pilot period, as long as the freight car with OBU electronic label has been installed, it can enter the ETC special lane of the freight car. In the exit of the nine peak of Hangzhou emblem expressway, the half mountain and three pier toll station of Hangzhou's bypass City, it can be paid in theETCspecial lane of the freight car, and can also be paid in the MTC lane of other collecting stations.

有大型number of garbage trucks going to and fro on the nine peak toll gate of Hangzhou Hui highway. Because of the particularity of garbage trucks, toll collectors often face pungent smell and so on during the daily operation. At the beginning of this year, the nine peak lorry ETC Lane began to pilot. At present, the ETC lane of freight car in the nine peak toll station is based on the combination of vehicle weighing system and ETC, with double antenna, double railing, double display and overall weighing, "three double" ETC meter heavy lane design scheme, which can ensure the precision and driving safety of the dynamic weight calculation in continuous crossing, and simply, different axis type. At a speed of 10 km / h, a truck can achieve a single stop or multi vehicle continuous access mode. In the early period of testing, the reliability, stability and accuracy of the ETC system have been fully verified through the comparison of the lane weighing data and the static weighing data of the nine peak garbage station.Since June 26th, the nine lane of Hangzhou Hui high-speed railway, the mid level of Hangzhou ring city, and the three Lane Toll gate exit vehicle ETC Lane have been formally launched. When the freight car is entering the entrance of the toll station, it can pass through the ETC lane or brush the ETC pass in the artificial lane. When the nine peak of Hangzhou emblem freeway, the half mountain of the Hangzhou bypass city and the three pier toll station are exported, the non parking fee can be realized in the ETC special lane of the freight car, and the MTC lane of other toll stations can also be paid through.

的正式开始C pilot project in Zhejiang Province, a landmark step is taken to expand the new service for the ETC industry in the province. In the near future, the ordinary truck driver can also enjoy the shortcut of the non parking fee of the ETC channel. It will not only improve the efficiency of the toll station, but also revoke the provincial toll station for the future and realize the national no owner. The line toll station lays the foundation.


+86-13606915775(John Lee)


Add: No.943, Tonglong Er Lu, Hongtang Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen( Xminnov IOT Industrial Park)
