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RFID Smart Tag Aviation Baggage Tracking Solution

News posted on: 2020/3/13 9:35:17 - by qingbin - RFIDtagworld XMINNOV RFID Tag Manufacturer

RFID Smart Tag Aviation Baggage Tracking Solution

RFID Smart Tag Aviation Baggage Tracking Solution

2019年6月2日,国际航空运输ssociation (IATA) issued a resolution that officially supports radio frequency identification RFID technology for air baggage tracking and encourages the global deployment of this technology-for passengers, airlines and airports, this is not bad For good news.

For passengers, the probability of losing luggage using RFID technology will be further reduced, thereby eliminating some travel stress. For airlines and airports, more convenient baggage tracking means higher customer satisfaction, faster operational efficiency, fewer employee injuries, resulting in substantial cost reductions and higher expected revenues.

Learn about RFID to create a more perfect scene application

Although IATA's resolution does not impose a deadline for the implementation of RFID baggage tracking, all parties are encouraged to implement the progressive deployment of RFID when the technology is mature. At the same time, RFID technology can also develop more mature and powerful in the continuous running-in of various scenarios in the aviation field, and be applied to meet the actual needs of users.

这两个签名properties of RFID tags: fast and accurate, which indisputably surpasses barcodes:-Compared with the long and tedious operation of the latter, which can only read one tag at a time, RFID has a high accuracy rate for large batches of luggage at one time Reading, the efficiency is obvious. In addition, the non-contact reading feature of RFID tags (even during transportation) can ensure that luggage is not missed during loading and unloading. Furthermore, the environmental resistance makes the tag effective against damage that may occur during baggage handling. Because the chip that records the data is embedded in the RFID tag, the information is properly stored. Even when the label is distorted, the reading performance is not affected. RFID combines these advantages into one, helping read accuracy rate of nearly 100%, far more than 85-90% of the barcode. The higher the baggage reading tracking rate, the lower the baggage abnormality rate, and the lower the disposal cost.

The airline's efforts to reduce the abnormal baggage rate have been spared all the time, and the loss rate in 2018 was only six-thousandths-but even this low probability means that tens of thousands of bags have been lost, which has become a passenger complaint. The first big question. In addition, airlines are paying a huge price for each piece of abnormal baggage: the cost of getting a bag and returning it to customers is about $ 100, and by 2020, this figure will be as high as $ 2.7 billion.

The more accurate and extensive tracking method provided by RFID technology has reduced the total number of abnormal aviation luggage from 24.8 million to nearly zero. SITA, which provides IT solutions for global airlines, predicts that if RFID technology is not adopted, the abnormal baggage rate will remain at a level of six thousandths for a long time. This technology also allows passengers to track baggage movements in real time through a mobile app, giving them more control. IATA research shows that 84% of passengers expect to be able to track their luggage in real time through technology.

RFID is a matter for the civil aviation industry. According to our implementation experience, baggage throughput can be increased by 18%, loading time per flight is reduced by 4 minutes, and 1 full-time man-hour. For low-cost airlines, aircraft utilization is critical to the company's profitability, and RFID's efficiency is particularly obvious; this technology can also reduce carbon emissions by significantly reducing the transportation cost of airlines to retrieve lost luggage.

The use of RFID technology also benefits baggage operators. Since there is no need to frequently move and adjust the luggage position to align the scanning gun like scanning a barcode, the feasibility of labor injuries is also reduced by as much as 21%.

In addition, the deployment of RFID technology can also help airlines increase their revenue from checked baggage. As this technology can significantly increase passenger confidence in arriving at the destination with their luggage, people's willingness to pay for checked baggage fees will also increase accordingly. The advantages of RFID technology for baggage tracking are not only supported by the IATA Council, but also more and more recognized by airlines and airports.


+86-13606915775(John Lee)


Add: No.943, Tonglong Er Lu, Hongtang Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen( Xminnov IOT Industrial Park)
