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The innovative application of RFID and other Internet of Things technologies empowers the warehousing and logistics industry

新闻发布:2020/5/11 13:04:30——qingbin -RFIDtagworld XMINNOV RFID Tag Manufacturer

The innovative application of RFID and other Internet of Things technologies empowers the warehousing and logistics industry

The innovative application of RFID and other Internet of Things technologies empowers the warehousing and logistics industry

The operation and operation management of China's warehousing and logistics industry are undergoing a tremendous transformation from traditional means to informatization means. All links and processes of the entire warehousing and logistics industry are gradually being digitized, networked and intelligent.

The Internet of Things technology opens up and links the information world and the physical world. It is an important part of the information infrastructure in China's new infrastructure, and it is the basis for the application of big data and artificial intelligence.

With the proposal of the construction of a nationwide transferable electronic warehouse receipt system in 2019 and a series of early application explorations, inventory (warehouse receipt) financing has become a new blue ocean in the ToB era under the boom of Internet and Internet of Things applications, Internet of Things technology Innovative applications will surely become the core means to empower the warehousing and logistics industry and create a new financial infrastructure.

The core technologies of the Internet of Things mainly include automatic identification technology, perception technology, edge computing technology, middleware technology and application platform technology.

Automatic identification technology takes RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) as the core and is the main method of asset management. At present, there is an EPC (product electronic coding) application system based on the ISO-18000 standard in the world. Through RFID electronic tags, all physical items in the world are encoded and marked. In China, with the advancement of industrial Internet applications, various logo specifications and industry and regional logo analysis systems are also being established quickly. At present, the application of electronic tags in various frequency bands has entered a mature stage, forming a variety of single-item identification, packaging identification, cargo pallet identification, logistics container identification, container identification, cargo position identification, transportation vehicle identification, etc. based on electronic tags Different applications. Electronic tags can be passive, semi-passive, active and other response forms. Electronic tags can be packaged into various application packages such as anti-tear, anti-transfer, anti-metal and so on. The reading and writing machine can be installed in sorting lines, assembly lines, warehouse entrances, etc., can also be installed on forklifts, or can be hand-held mobile, which realizes accurate identification and accurate statistics of warehousing goods.

The electronic label is bound to the actual goods, which is equivalent to issuing an electronic ID card to the goods of the smallest packaging unit for each logistics operation. The information of the electronic tag can be read by the Internet of Things application system, thereby realizing the digitization of the goods, and laying a digital foundation for the realization of inventory financing.

Sensor technology is the core of sensor application, and it is a technical means to obtain the real-time physical status and other event status of goods, processes, environment, etc. in the process of warehousing and logistics operations. For example, using a variety of flexible deployment sensors can obtain temperature and humidity information of goods and storage, transportation environment, vehicle and pallet, container movement information, vibration information, electronic fence technology can obtain intrusion prevention information, the camera can obtain Image information of the cargo and the environment, the scale can obtain the weight information of the cargo and the vehicle, etc., and various chemical sensors can obtain the information of the specific chemical composition, etc. The use of a series of perception technologies can provide real-time portraits of the real-time status of warehousing and logistics operations. Managers can also fully grasp various "visual" information and data without visiting the site.

随着技术的进化,various positioning technologies such as GPS technology, Beidou technology, electronic label positioning, mobile base station positioning, etc. are also seamlessly embedded in warehousing logistics operations, which can enable managers to master logistics operations tools such as cargo, transportation vehicles, forklifts, etc. as well as The location and action trajectory of field workers.

Edge computing technology is to close the data source side of warehousing and logistics operations, intelligently process various data obtained on the site according to certain management rules, and properly clean, process and process the data. For some on-site IoT devices , According to the data results, immediate back control, or even directly generate alarm information, etc., overall reduce the network transmission of redundant data, improve the overall processing efficiency.

物联网中间件可以法力ge all IoT devices in the warehouse logistics site, realize device registration, communication protocol analysis, data acquisition, grouping and analysis processing, send clean data to the business platform, and issue business workflow instructions to related equipment .

With the accelerated application of 5G, IoT devices can be intensively deployed in warehousing and logistics links, can realize large links of devices, and have low data latency, ensuring the acquisition and transmission of massive data in warehousing and logistics links. At present, in the warehousing and logistics environment, various networked devices based on NB-IoT, Lora, WIFI, Cat1, 2G \ 3G \ 4G and even 5G are constantly adapting to the high speed, high efficiency, high safety and high reliability of warehousing logistics operations , Constantly update and iterate. IoT devices have become an organic whole of warehousing and logistics facilities.

The development of information security technology can ensure the safe use of all IoT devices on the warehouse logistics site. On the application platform, all IoT devices must be registered and certified, and all IoT data transmitted through the network are encrypted.

The application of blockchain technology guarantees the "trustworthiness" of IoT data. All warehousing enterprises and IoT device groups under the same platform can establish a blockchain alliance chain to upload IoT data to ensure that the data is credible and tamper-free, and even important key IoT devices can be directly linked to the chain.

Innovative applications such as the Internet of Things technology provide technical guarantee for cargo owners and warehousing and logistics companies to create credible objective credit. Provide a technical basis for the construction of China's transferable electronic warehouse receipt system.

The results of the innovative applications of the aforementioned IoT technologies, etc., will eventually converge to the IoT financial service platform for inventory financing.

The Internet of Things financial service platform is aimed at cargo owners, warehousing and logistics companies and financial institutions. It is an intelligent platform that provides Internet of Things "controlling goods" and provides technical supervision services. All kinds of automatic identification data, sensor data, video data, etc. in the warehousing and logistics link need to be processed by the platform's risk control model, using big data technology, AI technology, etc., through cross-validation of data from many different IoT devices to determine the goods The authenticity, quantity and status of the goods, so as to discover all kinds of movements of goods in the warehouse and transportation in time.

The IoT data of all warehousing and logistics links are aggregated to the platform. The platform generates credible and transferable electronic warehouse receipts according to the specifications of transferable electronic warehouse receipts. Shippers can use this to realize inventory financing from financial institutions. Financial institutions use the platform to confirm the rights of goods , Control of goods, liquidation and other risks, financial institutions through the platform to achieve the entire process of quality security supervision.

At present, there have been multiple IoT financial service platforms for different industries that use various applicable IoT means to serve products in different industries. The platform works closely with the warehousing and logistics industry to transform the warehousing and logistics facilities into the Internet of Things, which objectively promotes the digitalization, networking and intelligence of the warehousing and logistics industry, empowers the warehousing and logistics industry, and at the same time, the industry is looking forward to financing inventory The great development of a long-term economic development assistance method provides realistic possibilities.


+86-13606915775(John Lee)


Add: No.943, Tonglong Er Lu, Hongtang Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen( Xminnov IOT Industrial Park)
