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Shandong's first "ETC no pay" parking lot opened

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Shandong's first

Shandong's first "ETC no pay" parking lot opened

In May 30th, the reporters respectively took the vehicles installed on the highway ETC and opened the "no sense of payment" vehicles through the "special lane" in and out of the Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport P1parking lot.

On the same day, the province's first "ETC& no sense of payment" parking lot settled at Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport. After the "ETC& non - payment" lane was opened, the time for the arrival of vehicles was shortened to one second, compared with the traditional cash payment vehicles. The speed of vehicle delivery was at least 8 times higher.

According to the introduction, the "ETC& non payment" parking lot is provided by Shandong high speed group to provide a comprehensive payment solution. Through the superposition of the combination of ETC and "no sense of payment", two advanced charging technologies can be used to realize the unattended parking in the parking lot, which can minimize the cost of the parking lot. The installation of highway ETC vehicles can be used directly; "no sense of payment through the" e high speed "client," e high speed "WeChat and Alipay city public service and other channels open.

According to the introduction, the users who use "no sense of payment" need not install any equipment, only need to bind the license plate and the payment channel to express the freeway and open the "no sense of payment" of the parking lot. At present, the Shandong high-speed group has completed 113 464 Lane upgrading work in the province.

The next step in Shandong expressway will open the advanced and convenient payment products on the expressway to the social parking lot. It will fully export the ability of ETC, non payment and self-service long distance scanning, so that more owners can enjoy the convenience and shortcut of the technology upgrade.
